Karen Harrison

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Reiki for Empaths Promotes Balance and Healing

Whole Life Center Kansas City


Reiki for Empaths Promotes Balance and Healing

Reiki for Empaths draws on life force energy to help clear away unwanted energy and restore emotional balance and spiritual healing. If you are empathetic, by your very nature you more easily sense and experience the pain and feelings of another person,...

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Usui/Holy Fire®Reiki Symbols Classes

The five Reiki symbols used in Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki energy healing are Power, Harmony, Distance, Usui Master, and Holy Fire. Referred to by its intention, each symbolic name represents its purpose. Students in a Reiki class are given the Power,...

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Karen Harrison Whole Life Center Energy Healing Better Health Meeting Challenges

Energy Healing For Better Health and Meeting Life’s Challenges

Energy healing is a holistic method of clearing areas of the body that have blocked energy. In previous articles, I have discussed the importance of channeling energy to heal areas of the body where physical injury has occurred, or where...

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Spiritual Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit With Reiki

Spiritual healing draws on life-force energy, that comes from God, the most powerful energy. Also defined as energy medicine, energy healing, and vibrational medicine, spiritual healing is an effective method of using Divine energy for healing and balance in a person....

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A Reiki Master Develops A Higher Level Of Awareness

A Reiki Master, through spiritually guided life force energy, develops a greater connection to God. Further, they can reach an enhanced level of consciousness, which gives them more potential for healing and wisdom. They can provide comfort and relief from suffering...

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