The three main Reiki symbols are the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional (Harmony) symbol, and the Distance symbol. They are referred to by their intention, with each symbolic name representing its purpose. Using Reiki symbols enables a person to come to a deeper understanding of the...
Continue Reading → Published: August 15, 2019
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Symbols
In previous articles, I have discussed Reiki symbols. The form of Reiki that I use is called Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, which originated from Mikao Usui, a Japanese spiritual teacher. Reiki is a term derived by combining the Japanese words ‘rei’...
Continue Reading → Published: June 13, 2019
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Symbols
Reiki teacher training provides a person with the skills and knowledge to give Reiki healing energy to themselves and to teach others. It is simple to learn and easy to use. In order to teach Reiki, one must take the...
Continue Reading → Published: April 25, 2019
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Teacher Training
Energy healing focuses on tapping into the body’s own energy field to boost healing. In practice, we call on the spiritually guided life force energy that is from God, the Creator, the Universe. The “laying on of hands” is a...
Continue Reading → Published: March 28, 2019
Categories: Energy Healing, Reiki Articles
Reiki symbols are sacred symbols referred to by their intention. Each symbolic name represents its purpose in the practice of Reiki. Originating from the Japanese language, the term Reiki means “spiritually guided life force energy.” The term is derived from combining the...
Continue Reading → Published: January 24, 2019
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Blog, Reiki Symbols, What is Reiki
Reiki symbols are used in the practice of Usui Reiki, which was developed long ago in Japan by Mikao Usui, a Japanese spiritual teacher, as a form of healing. The term Reiki means “spiritual life force energy” and is derived...
Continue Reading → Published: December 27, 2018
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Symbols
Reiki practitioners use sacred Reiki symbols as a way of enabling a person to connect to stronger Reiki energy, which comes from God, and to embody spirituality. These symbols are referred to by their intention, each symbolic name representing its...
Continue Reading → Published: November 8, 2018
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Blog, Reiki Symbols, Spiritual Healing
The activation and use of Reiki symbols empower a person practicing Usui Reiki in the placement ceremony by helping them connect to a higher level of healing energy, thereby increasing the power of the symbol. These symbols are referred to...
Continue Reading → Published: August 30, 2018
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Blog, Reiki Symbols
Reiki Symbols Are Sacred Symbols Reiki symbols are sacred symbols referred to by their intention, each symbolic name representing its purpose in the practice of Reiki. Originating from the Japanese language, the term Reiki means “spiritual life force energy”, and...
Continue Reading → Published: June 14, 2018
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Symbols
Reiki symbols are used in the practice of Usui Reiki for levels Reiki II and above. They do not hold any special power by themselves and are activated for use by a Reiki practitioner during a ceremony called an attunement...
Continue Reading → Published: March 22, 2018
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Blog, Reiki Master, Reiki Symbols, Reiki Teacher Training, Spiritual Healing
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