Karen Harrison

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Reiki Classes: Unleashing the Power Within You for Self-Healing and Healing Others


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Reiki Classes: Unleashing the Power Within You for Self-Healing and Healing Others

Reiki classes are structured training sessions designed to teach individuals the principles, techniques, and practices of Reiki healing. These classes are typically led by Reiki masters or certified teachers who guide students through lessons and attunements to empower them to...

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How Does Reiki Healing Work?

Have you ever found yourself wondering how Reiki healing works? Energy healing is a form of therapy in which powerful Divine energy brings about healing and alleviates different afflictions of the mind, body, and spirit. Reiki healing is delivered through...

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Reiki for Mother Daughter Relationships

Reiki for Mother-Daughter Relationships By Karen K. Harrison, LCPC, LCMFT, AASECT First published in Reiki News Magazine Fall 2021 ReikiForMotherDaughterRelationships  - click here to download Why are mother-daughter relationships so difficult? If you Google it, you will get lots of...

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Holy Fire® Reiki Brings Gifts of Light

Holy Fire® Reiki Brings Gifts of Light By Karen Harrison, Pam Allen-LeBlanc, Jay Jackson, Joan Maute, Kathy Milanowski, and Jill Thiel, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs) First published in Reiki News Magazine Winter 2020 GiftsOfLight - click here to...

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What Can You Do with Reiki Energy?

What Can You Do with Reiki Energy? by Karen K. Harrison, LCPC, LCMFT, AASECT First published in Reiki News Magazine Spring 2020 WhatCanYouDo - click here to download the article Over the years, my students have asked me many questions...

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Karen Harrison Reiki Teacher Training Whole Life Center

Reiki Teacher Training – Whole Life Center – Kansas City

Reiki teacher training is for anyone who has an interest in learning how to use energy healing. Reiki training class is open to adolescents up to seniors. Learning Reiki energy healing is not limited to any one type of individual....

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