Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Jan. 26th 2023

Spiritual Healing with Karen Harrison 

Spiritual healing is a method that Reiki practitioners around the world utilize to bring about whole body health and well-being through the laying on of hands technique. It is a non-invasive method to bring about balance, healing, and inner peace in a person. Practitioners access the life force energy that comes from God and the Universe by directing it to the person who seeks spiritual healing as well as mental, emotional, and physical healing.

This holy energy benefits everyone through the subtle transference of spiritual healing by touch, the “laying on of hands.” In this way, the practitioner channels Reiki energy to clear blockages (Byoki) caused by lower vibrational energies. By placing their hands lightly on, or hovering just above the body, the practitioner helps to transfer the powerful energy to begin the healing process. Spiritual healing through touch has profound, lasting effects. Spiritual healing with Divine energy is supported in Biblical scripture – John 14:12-14: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.” Reiki practitioners do not have the power of Jesus, but we call on Jesus for help with spiritual healing. “He gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increases strength.” [Isaiah 40:29].

Reiki practitioners are often called on to help with spiritual healing, to effectively release the unwanted energies that can contribute to life-altering illnesses. Practitioners must set aside their ego in order to access a clear and open channel for only the highest and holiest Reiki energy. A person’s free will is always respected. Anyone can benefit from spiritual healing, but nothing can be done without the person’s permission, and they must agree to release the unwanted energy and accept the healing energy. A full Reiki session normally lasts for one hour; however, sessions can be much shorter or longer. The client is comforted by light touch that is warm and soothing. Many clients fall asleep during a Reiki session and sleep well that night.

At Whole Life Center, Karen practices Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, which calls on God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus as a form of spiritual healing. It is open to people of all faiths – or no particular faith tradition. It is spiritual rather than religious. With this method of Reiki, the most important benefits to a person are spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Using Reiki symbols, practitioners focus on the healing energies that empower a person’s spirituality, altering and directing the way the life force energy flows. To schedule Reiki energy classes and to learn how to assist with spiritual healing and gain inner peace for yourself, contact Whole Life Center at (816) 523-4440 or use our online form! 

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