Reiki for Injury
Reiki for Injury
I recently dropped a full glass water bottle on my big toe from about 4 feet up. It hurt quite a lot and I was concerned that it might be broken. Immediately I held my toe and started sending Reiki. Then I got some Young Living lavender oil and rubbed it on my toe because it is great for bruises. I also got out a small, plastic ice cube and held it on my toe while sending Reiki.
I activated the Distant symbol and sent Reiki back in time to just before I dropped the water bottle and intended that the Reiki shield the impact of the water bottle. The pain was easing quite a bit. Then I tried something bolder. I sent Distant Reiki back in time to before the impact and imagined that the bottle fell on the floor but missed my foot. That night I sent Reiki all night long to my toe by activating the Reiki symbols and having it continue flowing while I was sleeping.
My toe was much better in the morning and it never bruised, which I find miraculous! That kind of injury could have hurt badly for weeks and kept me limping. Try all these techniques for yourself next time you or a loved one has an injury.