Reiki for Mental Health Professionals: Part II BY KAREN HARRISON , LCPC , LC MFT, AASECT First published in Reiki News Magazine Summer 2015 Download Pdf (Editor’s note: “Reiki for Mental Health Professionals: Part I” was published in the Spring...
Continue Reading → Published: May 16, 2016
Categories: Counseling Articles, Featured Reiki Articles, Reiki Articles
Reiki at the Dentist The dentist said I had one to two cavities so I scheduled the appointment. If I had been worried about the appointment, I could have sent Reiki ahead by using the Distant symbol for the procedure...
Continue Reading → Published: August 13, 2014
Categories: Featured Reiki Articles, Reiki Articles, Reiki Master
Reiki for Injury I recently dropped a full glass water bottle on my big toe from about 4 feet up. It hurt quite a lot and I was concerned that it might be broken. Immediately I held my toe and...
Continue Reading → Published: March 12, 2014
Categories: Featured Reiki Articles, Reiki Articles
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