Karen Harrison teaches Reiki master training at the Whole Life Center in Kansas City! Reiki master training requires taking the Reiki Master class and receiving the attunements for Reiki Master. Reiki is energy or spiritual healing that reduces stress and...
Continue Reading → Published: May 11, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
Reiki classes in Kansas City teach the practice of Reiki, a form of energy healing. So, what exactly is Reiki, and what does it mean? The word is a noun, pronounced ray-key. Reiki is of Japanese origin – Rei, meaning...
Continue Reading → Published: April 27, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
What is Reiki training, and who can learn it? Anyone can learn Reiki with Karen Harrison at Whole Life Center in Kansas City; all you need is a desire to learn and give to others! Reiki training can be a...
Continue Reading → Published: April 13, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles, Reiki Teacher Training
Reiki classes in Kansas City teach the practice of Reiki, a form of energy healing. Karen Harrison, a Reiki Master, teaches these courses, and you learn how to use Reiki to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. If you've ever...
Continue Reading → Published: March 23, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
Holy Fire® Reiki is powerful and gentle, providing purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. The Usui/Holy Fire® is a representation of Holy Spirit, a powerful energy. Holy Fire® Reiki allows individuals to attain an enjoyable state of vitality, felt by many...
Continue Reading → Published: March 9, 2023
Categories: Holy Fire Reiki, Reiki Articles
Reiki healing; the soul of the Japanese energy-healing practice. Reiki healing can be achieved through touch – by laying-on-of-hands or through distance as in prayer. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. The belief in spiritual healing has been in practice for...
Continue Reading → Published: February 23, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
Reiki symbols are keys that connect to higher levels of healing. A student receives three symbols during their Reiki II class: the Power symbol, the Mental/emotional symbol, and the Distant Healing symbol. Karen Harrison offers Reiki classes where you will...
Continue Reading → Published: February 9, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
Spiritual healing is a method that Reiki practitioners around the world utilize to bring about whole body health and well-being through the laying on of hands technique. It is a non-invasive method to bring about balance, healing, and inner peace...
Continue Reading → Published: January 26, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
If you’ve ever wanted to take Reiki Classes in Kansas City to expand your knowledge of Reiki, no matter the level you’re currently at, look no further than to Karen Harrison at the Whole Life Center. Karen is offering Reiki...
Continue Reading → Published: January 12, 2023
Categories: Reiki Articles
What is Reiki healing, how does it work, and what results does it bring? Reiki healing can be achieved through touch – by laying-on-of-hands or through distance as in prayer. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki healing is...
Continue Reading → Published: December 22, 2022
Categories: Energy Healing, Reiki Blog, Spiritual Healing, What is Reiki
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Kansas City, MO 64114