Karen Harrison

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Energy Healing Greatly Benefits People and Pets spiritual practice

Energy Healing Greatly Benefits People and Pets

Energy healing focuses on tapping into the body’s own energy field to boost healing in both human beings and animals. Practitioners of this method of healing call on the spiritually guided life force energy from the Universe to bring about...

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Reiki Symbols Classes At Whole Life Center Kansas City

Reiki Symbols Classes At Whole Life Center Kansas City

Reiki symbols are sacred symbols referred to by their intention and can be used to clear and bless the environment. There are five Reiki symbols used in Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, which are: Power, Harmony, Distance, Usui Master, and Holy Fire...

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Essential Oil Classes Are Informative And Inspirational Whole Life Center Karen Harrison

Essential Oil Classes Are Informative And Inspirational

Essential oil classes teach students how essential oils are obtained, how to diffuse them, how to use the oils in their home, how to use combinations of essential oils for personal care or to prepare specific applications. They will learn...

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Things to Consider When Starting a Business

Janie Frederick, CPA – 816-718-3206 – DJF Enterprises, LLC Things to Consider When Starting a Business – by Janie Frederick, CPA Note from Karen Harrison: Janie is available to help set up your business accounting and give you business advice....

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Holy Fire® Reiki Training Classes Open Path To Higher Level Consciousness

Reiki was developed by Japanese Sensei Mikao Usui and he added symbols to assist in drawing on high-frequency spiritual energy to produce a more enlightened level of awareness in a person. In this practice, the divinely inspired healing energy helps...

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Financial Commitment for LRMT Program Through ICRT

Financial Commitment for the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program The fees are approximate because students move through the 1,000 hour program at their own pace, usually taking one year for each level. However, it is possible to complete the...

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Spiritual Healing With Laying-On-Of-Hands Brings Inner Peace

Spiritual healing with Reiki can be achieved through touch – by laying-on-of-hands. It is a non-invasive method to bring about balance, healing and inner peace in a person. Practitioners access the life force energy that comes from God, the Universe, directing it...

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Reiki for Empaths Enables Deep Healing And Balancing

Reiki for empaths provides the tools an empathic person needs to restore energy and bring about healing and balance. Empathic people can sense other people’s pain and emotional state. They can intuit if someone’s mood is depressed or upbeat, or if someone...

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Energy Healing: A Powerful, Long-lasting Approach To Wellness

Energy healing can be beneficial in treating illness and emotional pain through a variety of techniques – Chakra healing, bio-energy healing, acupuncture, acupressure and Reiki. We know that universal life force energy flows through every living creature. Through the Reiki...

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Reiki Symbols Access Healing Energy And Enhance Spirituality Karen Harrison Whole life

Reiki Symbols Access Healing Energy And Enhance Spirituality

Upon activation, Reiki symbols can help establish a stronger connection with the Divine and empower personal spirituality in a unique way. Referred to by their intention, each symbolic name represents its specific purpose – Power, Mental/Emotional (Harmony), Distant, Usui Master...

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