Karen Harrison

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Author Archive

Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business Part II

Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business Part II: Social Media and YouTube By Colleen Benelli and Karen Harrison First Published in Reiki News Magazine Winter 2016 Download Pdf IN PART I OF THIS ARTICLE, which appeared in the...

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Lessons from Holy Fire Reiki

Lessons from Holy Fire Reiki By Karen K. Harrison, Ed.S, LCPC, LCMFT, AASECT First Published in Reiki News Magazine Spring 2016 Download HOLY FIRE® REIKI WHISPERED to me and nudged me to invite it into my counseling session with my...

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Reiki for Mental Health Professionals Part 2

Reiki for Mental Health Professionals: Part II BY KAREN HARRISON , LCPC , LC MFT, AASECT First published in Reiki News Magazine Summer 2015 Download Pdf (Editor’s note: “Reiki for Mental Health Professionals: Part I” was published in the Spring...

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Reiki at the Dentist

Reiki at the Dentist The dentist said I had one to two cavities so I scheduled the appointment.  If I had been worried about the appointment, I could have sent Reiki ahead by using the Distant symbol for the procedure...

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Rekindling Your Romantic Relationship

Rekindling Your Romantic Relationship By Karen Harrison, Ed.S., LCPC, LCMFT, AASECT Printed in Evolving Magazine Download Pdf   “I’m just not in love with you anymore,” Sheila (not their real names) told Rob in my office. “And I don’t know...

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Reiki for Injury

Reiki for Injury I recently dropped a full glass water bottle on my big toe from about 4 feet up.  It hurt quite a lot and I was concerned that it might be broken.  Immediately I held my toe and...

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