Karen Harrison

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Monday, Mar. 28th 2022

21 Day Self-Reiki Challenge Instructions

21 Day Self-Reiki Challenge Instructions for April 2022
I am offering another 21 Day Self-Reiki Challenge! People have such amazing results from regular self-Reiki. Is there something you would like to change to manifest? Better sleep, a new job, reduced pain, harmony in your relationships, or something else? This challenge has done all that for others and can do it for you too! You won’t want to miss it!
It starts April 11 and ends May 1. It will be run on Facebook. Go to www.facebook.com/groups/21dayreikichallengewithKaren/ to get into the group. Although it is a private group, if you are in one of my other groups, you should automatically be approved. If you are not able to get in, send me a Facebook message. We may have to be friends for me to add you. 
Post ONLY in the 21 Day Reiki Challenge with Karen group for the challenge.  Create a post in this group about your commitment for how long you will give yourself Reiki daily, with the minimum being only 10 minutes. State your intention for the challenge. For example, you might want to sleep better, be more abundant, heal pain issues, get a new job, and so forth.
I will pair you up with a buddy, and you will watch out for each other’s post and like your buddy’s post or comment and say something encouraging. If your buddy doesn’t post for a few days, message your buddy to check-in. This is going to be so rewarding!
If you have been in the group before but don’t want to participate in the challenge, please go to the group and remove yourself.

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